
How to Start (and Stick with) a Back to School Fitness Program

Fitness Program


The back to school season introduces a mountain of change to our lives. Whether you’re sending your kids back to school, or going back to school yourself, our routines are totally altered by the arrival of August and September. In order to achieve our fitness goals we have to consciously make fitness part of that routine.

For many of us, this season is the busiest of the whole year. We’re running from activity to activity, dropping of kids, balancing homework and work, sports, and school. Whatever your schedule may look like it can often be difficult to integrate exercise and health into your day. Here are some tips to get you started:

Seek Accountability

Accountability can look a number of different ways. Some people opt for an accountability partner. Someone with a similar schedule who agrees to work out at the same times with you to keep you accountable! This could be a friend, co-worker, or even someone you’ve met at your local gym! For some people, casual accountability isn’t enough. It can still be easy to bail on you and your friend’s morning run or evening workout.

school routine

That’s why Maximize Life Fitness And Nutrition offers a couple of options for accountability. Group Sessions can be the best way to keep your fitness routine in check. In our group sessions, you’re training is individualized, but takes place in a group setting. Everyone in the group is chasing their own goals, together. That way, we can support each other and hold each other accountable while still receiving individualized advice and training.

Learn more about our group training sessions!

If you’re starting a workout journey or you have a specific goal in mind, our personal training options are a great way to hold yourself accountable. Our certified personal trainers are an excellent resource for fitness advice and healthy living. Rapid Fit’s personal training deals get you a personalized workout routine and nutritional guidance that can help you alter your lifestyle.

We’re currently running a personal training deal – 2 sessions for $32!


Schedule “Healthy” Into Your Day

Scheduling health into your day can come in many forms. One way to make sure you’re opting for a healthy lifestyle is to plan out your meals. While meal planning may sound like something that’s for hard core weightlifters or bodybuilders, it’s one of the simplest ways to keep yourself on track. If you already have a plan, you’re less likely to stray from it. When you start your day prepared with a packed lunch then you probably won’t go looking for fast food when it comes time to eat.

Meal planning can work for the grocery store too. Have a couple of go-to lists that you can swap out week by week. You’ll go to the store and ONLY get what you need for your healthy lifestyle.

Scheduling health into your day also means making time for exercise. For some people, it might be easy to integrate a trip to the gym into your everyday life, for others – you might only be able to come for training or group sessions. This means finding other ways to exercise throughout your day. Make time for your morning run, your lunchtime workout, or your after-work trip to the gym. If you’re already planning on going, then your default will be to follow the schedule!

Contact us to get started at Maximize Life Fitness And Nutrition!


Set Goals

Having a plan and an accountability partner is a great start. But, sometimes, it’s the last second before our workout where we end up bailing on ourselves. We’re either too tired, too busy, too anything as long as it means we don’t have to make it to group training or the gym. In these moments, we have to push past our lack of motivation and focus on our determination instead.

Think about your “Why”. Why you started getting healthy. Some of start so we can be stronger, so we can feel better in our day-to-day lives. Some of us want to enter competitions, or set a great example for our kids. It’s these goals you should refer to when you consider standing yourself up for a workout. The goals you set will determine whether or not you feel successful!

If you need help setting goals, Rapid Fit can help. We’re running our Help 1,000 program intent on helping 1,000 people set smart, effective fitness goals before the end of the year. Schedule a sit down with one of our trainers to chat about your fitness plan!


Getting started with back to school fitness can be exhausting amongst all the changes you are already experiencing. However, making health a necessity in your everyday life will change your default to opting for naturally healthy choices!

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