Getting your health and your body on track is a difficult and daunting task — we get it. But, there are ways to slowly incorporate healthy habits into your day-to-day life that will get you on the right track. Here are a few tips to help you along your fitness journey!
Get Your Body Moving
As you might expect, exercise is one of the best and most vital ways to keep your body in shape. Cardio is a great way to train your body and make the most out of your workout in the gym. Cardio can include running, cycling, and HIIT workouts among others. There are many types of cardio to choose from at the gym, and our team at Maximize Life Fitness And Nutrition we will help you find the best kind to help target your fitness goals.
For beginners, we recommend slowly easing from a walk to a run on a treadmill or getting around thirty minutes of exercise on an elliptical to warm your body up. From there, weight lifting and resistance training is a great way to keep your body toned and healthy.
However, physical activity doesn’t always have to mean sweating it out in the gym.
Simple tasks such as walking instead of driving, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and taking quick “walk breaks” at work (getting fresh air or a quick lap around the office), can help you begin to introduce more physical activity into your daily life.
We know you’re busy and that the gym isn’t always the first thing on your priority list, so we found some small exercises that you can do right from your desk — deskercise if you will.
Have a Balanced Diet
Another important way to live a healthy lifestyle is by giving your body more of what it needs, not just what you want in the moment. Easier said than done, of course.
A balanced diet is essential to your health and the way your body functions. Make sure you are fueling your body with fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and lean meats and prote
in. A go-to healthy lunch option could include a lean chicken breast, wild rice and your choice of vegetable. Chicken breast is a great staple in your diet and we’ve listed 21 ways to use it for meal prepping here. For vegetarians and vegans, here are some of our favorite light and healthy recipes to try for lunch and dinner.
A good tip for the office is to pack your own lunch and stay consistent with meal prepping to keep yourself from compromising when lunch time rolls around. If you try to stay away from fast food, and fuel your body the right way, you’ll start noticing an increase in energy.
Again, we understand that cooking a perfectly healthy meal isn’t always realistic, so don’t feel bad if you have to hit a drive thru on your way home from a long day at the office. If you aim to eat right as much as you can, that little bit can cause a huge change in the way you look and feel. Here are some clean and easy recipes to try at home!
Drink More Water!
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! How much water you should be drinking can vary, but for the most part you should be drinking eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon. This is called the 8×8 rule to help you remember. Although that sounds like a lot of water, your body will thank you.
To make the process of drinking water easier and more enjoyable, some people like to inflate their water with lemon, cucumber, mint, etc. Here’s a list of our favorite flavor-packed fruit infused water recipes. By drinking water and cutting back on sugary sodas or juices, your body will begin to see major health benefits and you will feel much more refreshed.
Ways to Relieve Stress
Lastly, and equally important is to keep your mind and emotional health in balance as well. We know stress is a common denominator for most people when it comes to their fitness journey, and there are ways to ease your busy work load. Some of our favorite tips on how to manage stress include: taking yoga classes, taking time away from technology, reading more and creating more.
Yoga is a great option because you can do it at home, all you need is a mat or towel. There are many YouTube instructors that are easy to follow so you can focus on the movements. Check out this 15-minute yoga for beginners video for some inspiration; Once you find a time that works with your schedule, make yoga a habit to find your zen and forget about the stress and the pressure for as long as you have time to. There are many benefits of yoga, and we highly recommend it.
Take some time to yourself and take time away from technology. Chances are, you’ve been staring at a computer screen all day at work so when you get home, try to unplug. Here are 11 reasons to stop looking at your phone. Instead, read a book and stimulate your mind. Reading is also a great stress reliever! If you begin to build out time for yourself, your body and mind will thank you.
Create New Lifestyle Habit with Maximize Life Fitness And Nutrition
By using all of these tips, and slowly implementing new habits, you will begin to look and feel better. Of course, one of the best ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle is by having an exercise plan in place. We understand that the gym can be intimidating at times, but our team is here to help you navigate! Join us for a free “No Sweat Intro” to discuss your goals, talk about your fitness history and figure out a path for success. All are welcome at Maximize Life Fitness And Nutrition!
Questions about our gym? Get in touch with a Maximize Life Fitness And Nutrition team member today.